My 2024 Word of the year

Keeping the tradition alive, 2024 marks my 5th anniversary of selecting a word to set the tone of my year. But…before we dive into this year’s word, let me recap what last year’s word of the year was! My 2023 word of the year was GROW. The seeds were planted and the results are in!

"GROW" wasn't just my 2023 word of the year, it became our collective mantra and journey. Our company and team blossomed, exceeding 12.5% growth, not just in headcount, but in adaptability and mastery. We double downed investing in ourselves with ongoing education and specialized designations to be the best resource for our clients, community and colleges, especially with the ever changing and shifting market that was 2023.

My GROW year personally sparked a journey in me: learning and practicing to let go of what no longer served me and to embrace what ignites my passion, happiness, success and reaching those goals. This year that goal is to live each day with gratitude.

If you haven’t already guessed it by now…This year’s word is Gratitude.

Gratitude, like respect, can be experienced and expressed

Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves recognizing and appreciating the good things in life, whether big or small. It focuses on what we have rather than what we lack, leading to feelings of contentment and joy. Gratitude often evokes feelings of warmth and generosity towards others. 

Gratitude encourages us to shift our focus from negatives to positives. It helps us see the good (even in the most challenging situations) and find happiness in everyday moments. It also involves a sense of humility. It can be expressed through words of thanks, thoughtful gestures, or simply taking the time to savor and appreciate the things we're grateful for.

By taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the good things in our lives, we can boost our well-being and create a more positive outlook on and in the world. With gratitude you can create a ripple effect of positivity that impacts everyone around you.


Three fall events we look forward to, and you should, too!